
Season Info


The start of the season is right around the corner and we've got a few reminders for you!!

If you have a "new to Tiger Splash" swimmer aged 10 & under, don't forget about evals this week on Tuesday and Wednesday.

SwimFreak is a local swim store that will be at Founder's Pavillion this Tuesday, April 23 @ 5pm. They will have swimsuits available to try on and purchase, as well as other swim gear. 

JAVs are our junior assistant volunteers that have applied and been selected to help our coaches and team during practices and swim meets. They will be having a training session next week.

Our 1st day of practice is Wednesday, May 1. All swimmers must attend practice during their designated session:

5:00 - 6:00Session 1 (all 6 & under, Girls 7-8yrs)
5:45 - 7:00Session 2 (Boys 7-8yrs, all 9-10yrs)
6:45 - 8:00Session 3 (all 11 & over)

Remember that practice times will change on June 3rd.

The schedule can be found on the website here.

A printable "Season At-A-Glance" can be found here.

Remember that all new swimmers must submit a copy of their birth certificate to [email protected] ASAP.

Founders Festival kicks off this Friday with the annual parade down Mercer at 6:30. Be sure to watch for the Tiger Splash float and say hello!

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